The Moon Rails?

Will we have Habitats Around the Moon

First, we need to find a way to use the gravity of the Moon to help add gravity to orbiting Habitats?

One thought was a mile-wide ring spinning around the Moon faster than the Moon is rotating to create better gravity. The Habitat would be on the side of the ring that’s facing the Moon. With two space elevators at the polls of the moon, mostly used to get water and other needed elements from the Moons surface. There will be Solar fields on the Moon’s surface along with the most stable nuclear Power Plants that will be constructed in walls of craters.

A mile-wide ring around the entire Moon may be unimaginable, so let’s start with the elevators. Once we find water and Hydrogen on the Moon, we will want to mine it and use the Moon as a refueling base. Why waste the fuel landing and taking off from the Moon’s surface? The space elevators will solve that issue, there’s not much gravity on the Moon, so these space elevators won’t need to be as tall as the space elevators imagined on Earth.

These two space elevators will become stations for the space rail line that circles the moon. The first stations running on the rail line around the moon will have Solor fields, but with less protection from space debris then the fields on the surface they won’t be needed. The Habitats that will run on the rail line around the moon will start small, but with the over-flow of humans on Earth countries and businesses will help fund the project of creating a new home for humanity.

By the next century, we’ll have a ring habitat around the Moon that will have over 1080 square miles of surface space on the ring for farming, and human habitats that will get water and energy from the Moon surface. The Moon will make this ring a self-sustaining world. With a mile-wide runway on the outside of the ring, there will be several landing ports for space shuttles.

This all sounds good, but why does the ring need to be around the Moon? My thought was that the mass of the Moon would help with the gravity pull and the use of resources from the moon surface. If the gravity on the circling ring could reach at least half earth gravity, the human body could be born and grow much like on earth. The biggest problem with humans in space is that we were made to grow and live on Earth.

Vote ?Economy?

Hillary Clinton doesn’t understand how to make the economy grow…. Trump’s plane helps everyday people by relieving the big corporations of expenses, so they can hire more workers to make more products to lower the prices of everyday purchases. Yes, Hillary plane will make more jobs…more government employs to count our money and find ways to waste it so they get some of our money in their pockets.

Be Smart Vote Tromp!!!

Vote for change!

Not Me: Why are the votes fixed in the US.

Me: That’s loser talk….

Not Me: But then why are their super delegates?

Me: The super delegates job is to prevent a candidate to be elected who is too left or right winged. And to prevent a criminal or a business man who is just looking out for his own interests to have a chance to become President.

Not Me: It doesn’t look like the super delegates did their jobs.

Me: Well, at least Trumps is looking out for the people, because when he’s elected he’s looking at a big pay cut….

Not Me: I know, the white house will be a big downgrade from the houses he’s used to.

Me: I don’t know that it would be a big downgrade, but yes he has lived in nice houses.

Not Me: So I guess, you’re voting for Trump.

Me: I’m not happy how the Democrat’s agenda has worked out over the last eight years so I’m voting for change and the Republican way.

Not Me: But I don’t know that Trump can do the job.

Me: He has more experience managing big groups of workers than Obama did when he was elected.

Not Me: But he filed for bankruptcy.

Me: He’s had more successful businesses than Clinton, who has failed us in more ways than I can list.

Life Sentence!

I missed it!

Sunday Night Football! Last night I was watching the Eagles ver. Dollass game. It was the fourth quarter, and I was having trouble keeping my eyes opened, sorry to say. The game was exciting, but my dosage was wearing off.

There were less than three minutes left and the referees were reviewing a fumble that I missed, my eyes were closed for a second. I looked at the clock and thought the game was going into overtime. I needed something to keep my eyes opened for a fifth quarter.

It was past time to take the dog out, so I figured a brisk walk would help me stay awake. I usually take him for a quarter mile walk before turning in. We went out thinking just a short walk, but before I knew it the dog was pulling me around the block. We got home and the game was over.

“What, What Happened!”

I missed it???

After the review the Eagles kept the ball and, “the next play they scored and held on to win the game.”???

If you don’t know why the Eagles Fans hate Dallas so much, you must have missed the 80s. The Cowboys kept bucking the Eagles out of the post season in the 80s. The Eagles Fans are an extraordinary group of characters, a few weeks ago I saw a spoof film on the Fox pregame show. They included a seen from a half time show when the Eagles Fans booed and threw snow balls at Santa.

“What gives him the right to be so jolly, when the Eagles are losing.”

That’s my defense.

“Why I shot my dog”

I feel I should let you know that Chancy Boy is alive and well? I write mostly fiction?

Chance on Kitchen floor

Life Sentence!

Hillary Clinton takes the stand, agrees to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.

The prosecutor asks the same question that has been asked time and time again, but expects a different answer.  “Miss. Clinton did you or did you not send classified emails as Secretary of State?”

Her response, “No, I did not.”

The Prosecutor looks to the Judge, “Judge, may I state the obvious that if the Secretary of State sent emails about foreign governments that weren’t classified, then she wasn’t doing her job.”

The judge looks at Hillary Clinton, “Bailiff arrest Miss. Clinton and hold her until she chooses to stop lying.”

Talking about a life sentence….

Space Travel?

Traveling to other solar systems via. Fictional stories. The Star Trek way, by warping space around the shuttle, is too un-real when you think about it too much. Light speed travel is too slow to travel to another solar system. The human body wouldn’t be able to handle the time dilations on a shuttle moving at light speed. If we were in frozen stasis pods, we’d have freezer burn and wouldn’t survive.

Travel within our solar system is too slow today, but via. Fictional stories it is believable. In my first New Mars book I introduced light speed travel. We can get to Mars in four seconds, right? No we first need to reach light speed, it takes an hour to gain such speeds, but it takes just a minute to cercal the sun at the speed of light, and then an hour to slow down to Mars. The passengers would be drugged, so they could handle such speeds.

You’re asking why go around the sun…well if you want to move at the speed of light you need to go further. Once in motion, with zero gravity and zero atmosphere, let’s just say it’s hard to stop. The slow boat to Mars takes two weeks, in The New Mars that takes place after the mid-21st century. Today it takes seven months, but when we have space crafts that can get us to Mars in two week we will have month long Space Cruses to Mars and back.

In real life it looks like we won’t have to wait too long for two day Space Cruses around Earth. Vacation at Zero Gravity will make you feel up lifted literally, and take some weight off your, feet, back, and shoulders. On Mars there is a retirement community in my books, because there’s a third Earth gravity on Mars and it’s a great place to retire too.

Traveling to another solar system we would use a light speed craft that would reach five times the speed of light, but it would still take us over twenty years to travel to a solar system with a planet like Earth. We would have one hundred toddlers who would be in pods full of enriched puss to nourish their growing bodies. Audio education files would be playing the entire trip to ensure the children of New Earth are well educated.

The Light Speed Space Ship would cercal the planet as it slows down and the now fully grown children will be waking up and getting to know each other. The story starts before the takeoff with the profiteers funding the project, the scientist amazed by the exploration, and the pessimists talking about it being the way to save humanity, after we’ve ruined Home Earth.

I’m thinking of the Christmas Carol theme, not religious but, with the four points of Humanity.

I didn’t mean to do it???

Oh I hate him, I wish I could talk to him, I’m hopeless. What could I do to make him see me for who I am, do I want him to see a week little girl with a crush? He always passes me in class, to his seat at the back of the room. He’s not one of the bad kids, but he stays hidden, and tries not to be noticed in class.

He’s quiet, but not shy with his friends. I wish I was one of his friends. My mom used to say that I needed to be more out going to make friends. I don’t know how outgoing she was, other than with her Covent. I would ask her if I could go with her and her friends, but she always said, “Focus on your study’s dear, and after you find your focus you may join us.”

Every full moon she would party with the Covent, but I never could join them, because my mother never thought I had enough focus. I guessed that she meant I had to graduate school first, but now she’s gone, and she was my only friend. I go to the attic to look threw her boxes of books and Halloween stuff.

When she was alive it was like Halloween all year, but we didn’t have candy, she would make funny looking meals from time to time. Maybe one of the books is a cook book, and I could make something the boy would like.

Oh I haven’t been up here for a while. There’s dust everywhere, oh there are her boxes, let’s see.  Spells, spells, spells, oh what’s this? Love Spells, well maybe there’s something like directions on making a pie for someone you love.

What’s this, directions to make a doll, no that can’t be right? Love Doll, use to control your love. Maybe I can learn to control my love, so I stop loving what I can’t have…no this says it’s used to control the person who you love. Will this work? Well, what do I need?

The next day the girl had a small doll in her bag that she made from what she found in the attic and a few things she has collected over the years of the boy she loves to hate. She walked nervously for her locker, and had a thought that she might leave the doll in the locker.

She saw the boy was down the hall, with doll in hand she walked up behind him and said under her breath the incantation to spell the doll for the boy.

She took a step back, and said, “Hi John.”

John made a quick 180 to face her, and said, “Oh, Amy I was wondering who was sneaking up behind me.”

Amy stood with a grin.

He snarled at her and said, “Keep your distance.” And terns back to his friends.

Amy’s eyes widened, she looked at the doll, turned away, squeezed its head and heard a thud behind her.

The boy was on the ground with his hands grasping at his head. The girl dropped the doll and the boy cried out.

Why vote?

Why am I a republican? In short Republicans get things done while Democrats just talk about it.

I am pro-choice, I believe the mother should have the right to end the pregnancy for any reason with in the first two trimesters, even though it’s murder. The child is part of the mother, so she can do as she wishes.

I feel that anybody has the right to love whomever they wish, even though it’s agents our nature.

Legalizing Marijuana will hurt out children, even for its medical purposes, because it will make it easier to access. I smoked my first joint when I was ten with a friend who stole it from his father’s stash. I do understand how easy it may already be, but it doesn’t need to be easier to get.

Those three issues cause people to vote Democrat, but I don’t see how those issues should affect how I vote. I’m not a woman and I’m not homosexual. I have reason to get a prescription for medical marijuana, and I probably would, but I still wouldn’t vote to legalize it.

The long reason I vote Republican for every election is that I’m already too depend on the government. I see a Democrat and I see someone who chooses to be a dependent, too needy, too reliant on the government. There is more to it but that sums it up nicely.
I ask you to choose wisely.

Why three SUVs?

We have a flower-garden with nice trees and flowers that my father has been neglecting over the past few years, but last week he started pulling weeds. He told me to dump the wheelbarrow in the back and collect all of his clippings and weeds he pulled. I’ve cleared the aria the past few mornings after walking the dog, “Chance” around the block in the morning.

On Saturday I thought I would help my father out and suggested that I could use a strong metal rake over the arias he cleared to clean it up. The next morning’s I’ve raked out all of the clippings and thin vines that were covering the ground. He had found some fall flowers that had grown some leaves in the next aria he cleared.

My father told me to watch out for them the next time I raked the garden. The next morning after walking Chance I went to the front and saw the nice leaves and started using the rake. After the first raking I looked around to avoid the new leaves, but I couldn’t find them and without another thought I raked the rest of the aria.

Later that day my father called for me and with his graying black Irish hair and blue eyes, said, “John you, there are just stems where the flowers were, I asked you to look out for.”

My first reply was, “Sorry, I saw the leaves?” Then I said, “But after my first swipe with the rake, they were gone.”

The next day I was taking Chance for his afternoon walk, but before I got to the end of the long driveway I saw my father pulling weeds, and he called me over. I thought he wanted help, so I let go of the leash and guessed Chance would stay close. He pointed out some plants that he didn’t want me to disturb tomorrow morning.

After he was finished pointing out each plant, Chance was nowhere to be seen. I said, “You made me lose Chance.”

He shook his head, and said, “I didn’t make you do anything. Why did you let go of the leash?”

“I thought you needed help.”

“I just wanted to show you the plants, so you don’t pull them out.”

Chance was in the neighbor’s yard eating freshly laid mulch. I pulled him away and took him for his afternoon walk.

The next morning my father had an early doctor’s appointment, and I heard him stirring as I let the house with Chance for his morning walk. After the walk I fed Chance, had a drink, and changed the long sleeve shirt for a sleeveless one. I started gathering the clippings and big weeds when my father slowly pulled down the driveway to where I was.

He lowered the car’s window, and said, “You know which the good plants are.”

“Yeah, I’ll be sure to pull them out.”

He grinned, because it’s usually him who uses that kind of humor and then drove off.

I was raking the aria and avoiding the plants my father wanted to keep, when three black SUVs with tinted windows pulled in our long driveway. I dropped the rake and thought, this can’t be good, and I picked up a fist size rock I found in the garden.

I’m not a big man standing at five foot six, but I am stronger than most would think. Even-though I am thirty eight years old, I look like a punk kid, because of my height and the Irish baby face I was cursed with.

The first SUV stopped when it reached me, and I raised the rock as the door opened, and said, “Stay in the car. What business do you have with me?”

“We are looking for John Manning.”

I look down the driveway thinking, of reasons why they would send three trucks of men, and said, “Why are you looking for my father? If you’re trying to sell him something, he’s an 80 year old man, and he doesn’t need any more junk.”

My fathers’ name is John also, so I’m hoping they decide they have wrong information and drive off. The man closes the door and turns to the back, and I raze the rock in my hand as a tall man steps out.

This man isn’t just over six feet, he almost reaches seven. Looking down at me he said, “Drop that rock John. We aren’t looking for your father.”

Two men of all different shapes came out of each of the other SUVs, and were closing in on me. I figured a rock wouldn’t scare these guys, so I dropped it and transformed myself into__________.

Good Old Cartoons?

I was thinking about old cartoons I used to watch and what interested me to keep watching. One of them was “Tailspin”

The lead character was Baloo from “Disney’s, The Jungle Book” with the young side kick Kit, he piloted a propeller driven carrier plain, delivering packages for “Higher for Hire”. A delivery service owned by a single mother “Rebeca” who was trying to keep her small business running.

While making deliveries Baloo would have to avoid “Air Pirates” and would have odd encounters with other pilots. Shere Khan from “The Jungle Book” who ran Khan Industries that Higher for Hire competed with.

The hero of the story was Baloo, the villains were the Air Pirates, with the corporate leader Shere Khan as a rival. The show had a number of characters to carry the stories, including the relationship between Baloo and Rebeca.

I was thinking, every good book of short story needs those 5 characters with a steady plot to keep the stories in focus.

My first thought was to write a story about a space ship delivering goods from solar system to solar system. Firefly, Serenity, was my next thought, and I thought about why that show didn’t last. In my opinion Firefly was a great show, but the plot wasn’t focused enough.

Now I’m thing of a delivery service in the mid-1800s. A delivery man with two horses and one trailer finds an investor in Huston, Texas to start a delivery service from Huston to Chicago. The delivery man now has two trailers and four horses and a man riding shotgun. The man who is riding shotgun has an actual shotgun to word off black hat cowboys who may pilfer their cargo.

The relationship between the two men has its troubles that start some arguments, but they find a common ground. The investor came from big corporate New York to start business in the central U.S. Nether of the two men like corporations, they believe the corporations are taking over.

I won’t write that story, never mind the fact that Corporate America has saved the economy…I don’t like stories about the past, because people start believing those stories are how it was…